Dr. Katherine Dahlsgaard
Psychologist | Cognitive Behavioral Therapist | Speaker | Writer

What Dr. Dahlsgaard's audiences say:
"You were fantastic. I thoroughly enjoyed you this morning. Anyone can relate to this subject at any age. Any patient of yours is lucky to have you and is in good hands."
"You were AWESOME!!! People approached me afterward and asked if you could come back soon."
"I attended Dr. Katherine Dahlsgaard's conference last year on selective mutism, and she as just as dynamic this year. Great speaker!"
"Your information is just what we certified school nurses need to provide the best care for our students."
"Katherine Dahlsgaard gives a captivating description of whatever she is discussing, with great examples / stories. Most importantly, she gives very practical suggestions on how to handle these issues in the school setting."
"[She] captured the attention of the group immediately. After the presentation, there was a line of people wanting more."
"This is the best presentation I have ever heard, and I have been in school nursing for 28 years. You may want consider her for a keynote address."
"The BEST presentation of the conference for me!! This is so much something we struggle with every day. Great strategies, info, and lots of laughs!"
“The audience evaluations were spectacular (a big word that I do not often use), and the participants want Dr. Dahlsgaard to come back as soon as possible."
"[She] was wonderful! Very informative, knowledgeable with humor to keep sensitive topic light. Anxiety is such a big part of our society and Dr. Dahlsgaard handled the topic with ease."
"Awesome speaker! Could listen to her all day! Very knowledgeable! Knows where the rubber meets the road! Great one-liners!"
"This session was worth the price of the whole day! Katherine was humorous, down to earth, and had the ability to encapsulate school anxiety in a way which lead to natural interventions."
Professional talks, invited lectures, and podcasts:
Picky Eating in Children: Parents are Not to Blame with Dr. Katherine Dahlsgaard
The Beyond Addiction Show podcast
Psychological Well-Being: Living with Food Allergies (moderator)
Annual Conference | American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology
Food Allergy Anxiety and its Impact on Daily Life: Identification, Management, and Intervention
Annual Scientific Meeting | American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology
An Update on Evidence-Based Assessment and Treatment of OCD in Children and Teens
Professional Education Workshop | Chester County Intermediate Unit
A Pilot Trial of a Brief Group Behavioral Intervention for Children with Phobia of Anaphylaxis
Annual Scientific Meeting | American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology
Diagnostic and Treatment Options for ARFID/Picky Eating: An Update on the Evidence Base
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Grand Rounds | University of California San Francisco
How to Help Kids Overcome Extremely Picky Eating with Dr. Katherine Dahlsgaard
Think Act Be Podcast
Positive Parenting Strategies for Less Worrying and More Connection
Presented to the Agnes Irwin School in partnership with the Radnor Township School District PTOS/PTSA
The ABCs of ZZZs: How Sleep Deprivation Impairs the Quality of Your Work & Life
Corporate talk presented at Arkema Corp. Headquarters, King of Prussia, PA
Less Worry, More Joy: Applying the Research of Positive Psychology to Parenting
Presented to Parents of Central Bucks County School District
Anxiety & Stress: 3 Hacks to Handle It.
Invited talk to students of the Upper School, Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy.
Super Anxious At School: Evidence-Based Accommodations and Supports for Anxious Children and Adolescents
Keynote Address 20th Annual Eastern Pennsylvania Special Education Conference.
Selective Mutism in the Classroom: A Workshop for Educators & School Personnel
Workshop for the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit (MCIU), Norristown, PA.
Making it Easier to Swallow: How to Treat Extreme Picky Eating / ARFID with CBT
Workshop at Pennsylvania Psychological Association (PPA) Annual Conference, Harrisburg, PA.
Anxiety in School-Aged Children: Evidence-Based Recommendations for School Personnel
Invited Workshop to Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools.
Anxious and Impulsive: Evidence-Based Strategies for Parents to Help Their Anxious Children with ADHD
Invited presentation to Elkins Park Chapter of CHADD, Elkins Park, PA.
From the Clinic to the Wider Community via Multi-Family Group Treatment for Selective Mutism (MFGT-SM): An Adjunctive Intervention to Promote Generalization of Gains
Symposium presented at Anxiety and Depression Association of America Annual Conference (ADAA), Philadelphia, PA.
So What Exactly Do I Do? Evidence-Based Strategies for Parents Who are Anxious about Their Child Feeling Anxious
Invited talk to Parents of Our Lady of Mercy School.
ARFID… What’s it all about?
Invited lecture to the Emerging Topics in Clinical Nutrition Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Sleep and the Adolescent Brain
Invited presenter and expert panelist at Radnor Township School District, in partnership with the Radnor League of Women Voters.
Anxiety and How to Help Your Kids Handle Stress
Invited presentation for the Raising Great Kids Community Speaker Series, Council Rock Education Foundation, PA.
To Sleep, Perchance to Dream. How Adults Can End the Epidemic of Sleep Deprivation in our Youth
Keynote Address to the Pennsylvania Association of School Social Work Personnel Annual Statewide Conference, Hershey, PA.
The ABCs of ZZZs in Teens – And What Healthcare Professionals Can Recommend
Invited lecture to 16th Annual Advance Practice Nurse Conference, Philadelphia, PA. April 2015
On How We Can Dramatically Increase the Resiliency and Mental Health of Youth with Two Simple Ingredients
Keynote Address at Pennsylvania Association of School Nurses and Practitioners Annual Education Conference, State College, PA.
Introducing the New Anxiety Disorder: Selective Mutism
Workshop for Philadelphia Behavioral Therapy Association (PBTA), Philadelphia, PA.
The Specifics of Exposures: Tips, Strategies, and Practicalities for Effective Exposures for Youth with Anxiety Disorders
Invited lecture at 34th Annual Temple School Psychology Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
PTSD and Stressor-Related Disorders in Children & Adolescents: Recommendations for School Personnel Workshop
Invited talk to School Personnel of Neshaminy School District.
Special Delivery: How Implementation of Evidence-Based Treatment for Selectively Mute Twins Can Inform Treatment of All Selectively Mute Children
Presented at the Selective Mutism Group Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.